Monthly Archives: April 2017

This Haiku

Languaaaaaaaage. Damn. People. Gorgeous…. but then you see 

The indescribable.

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Filed under Poetry

Sonnets for Herbie

In honor of National Pet Day Here’s some sonnets for my bunny:

I watched bunnies on YouTube for a year.

I read every little thing that I could find.

And as the winter’s peak was drawing near,

My cold and empty bedroom stayed on my mind.

I found you on the OHS website.

On a break at work, you caught my eye.

I felt right then you were the bun for me,

But found it odd since I did not know why…

Then something happened that was rather funny.

I thought I might go see you the next day.

A lady I had before asked for some more Bunny 

care info sent a message that would say:
If you find a bun you’d like to know,

Go meet them, before someone else adopts them.

And in my gut I knew had to go

That very evening, all my plans were dropped, then

I bussed two hours just to look and see

If “Herbie the Dentist” was meant to be for me.
Though I don’t know who gave you that name for boys,

I’d watched that movie just the other day.

With Herbie in the land of misfit toys,

And found you so endearing right away.

So I bussed to unfamiliar parts of town.

And trekked about a mile in the cold.

Waited hours for my turn to come around.

The spontaneity of the night felt bold.

They took me to a room of buns to pick

The two I’d meet and see if we connect.

And when I held you in my arms, so quick

I saw in our eyes something I wanted to protect. 

You looked up at me with a gaze so gentle and nice.

Right then I would have given any price.
I thought I would go home to think about it

A pet is a big endeavor to take on.

But the lady asked which bunny I wanted.

Before I knew it I’d signed and adopted one.

I stepped out the door just glowing from within

An energy and love rarely felt in life.

Carried you a mile in the icy wind,

Longing to keep you safe from any strife.

We rode the bus to the pet store and ubered home

With hundreds of dollars of bunny supplies in tow

And somehow I felt already deep in my bones

You’d bring joy in more ways than I could possibly know.

And each new day you grow and hop and dance

I’m glad I followed my gut and took a chance.
Happy Pet Day Herbie McNerby Derby!

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Filed under Poetry